News January

How do we reduce the risk of infections in the operating rooms and optimise pain relief for our patients?

Aguettant Nordic aim to provide high quality, sterile medicine for the aneasthetic departments and intensive care units, helping to reduce the risk of infections and optimise pain management of patients.

Aguettant Nordic aim to provide high quality, sterile medicine for the aneasthetic departments and intensive care units, helping to reduce the risk of infections and optimise pain management of patients.

Ready To Administer pre-filled syringes - our safe concept is helping health care professionals

delivering precise doses of medicine and care to their patients.

Did you know that up to 6% of the syringes drawn up in the operating room have microbial contamination, and 16% in the wards1?

1) Stucki et al, Microbial contamination of syringes during preparation. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2009

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